To My Husband On Valentine’s Day
by Mariane Holbrook

“Dear Lord,” I prayed, “Give me someone
Who’s kind, sincere and true;
One whose desire it is to be
The image, Lord, of You.

I need someone whom I can trust
Right from the very start;
One who will also share with me
The burdens on his heart.

Please make him strong enough to stand
When I begin to fall,
For all of us grow weak sometimes
And need a friend to call.

And then one day, God answered prayer--
In such a nice way, too;
He sorted through his finest men
And finally gave me you.

Note: Mariane Holbrook is a retired teacher, an author of two books, a musician and artist. She lives with her husband on coastal North Carolina. She maintains a personal website and welcomes your Emails at

Remembering Summer Days

I watch the snowflakes blithely waltzing,
Remembering summer days long past
When crickets sang their tunes of romance,
And flowers bloomed we thought would last.

But the flowers died in autumn days—
Alone I’m left to watch the snow,
But e’en this cold can’t freeze a heart
Where love eternal always grows,

So as I watch the dancing fairies
In hope I wait what God will bring;
For hearts who know a love made pure
Know someday God will give us spring!

Benjamin Graber

The Greatest Valentine

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoseover believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
John 3: 16


God's gift to us was not hearts or flowers
Nor chocolates boxed in a red satin heart,
His gift was not earthly roses which fade away,
He's the Rose of Sharon, who gives our lives a brand new start.

Jesus, who was crucified on Calvary's rugged cross,
Was God's greatest Valentine, given with love for all men.
His crown of thorns, was the greatest crown of all
It pierced our Savior's brow, as He paid the price for our sins.

Yes, the greatest Valentine of all is Jesus
Who willingly died to pay salvation's cost
His precious blood which stained the old rugged cross
Still flows freely today, to bring salvation to the lost.

We give thanks to Jesus, the greatest sacrifice
He gave His life to save us from sin and strife,
With a heart of love and mercy, so gentle and kind
Jesus still speaks to hearts today, and says, "Will you be mine?"

Jo Ann Kelly © 2007
J. P.'s Inspirations
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits intact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.


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